We want everyone to have a positive buying and selling experience on OfferUp. But we recognize that sometimes, people don’t play by the rules. If you run into a user who’s violating our Posting Rules, Community Guidelines, or behaving suspiciously, please protect yourself and others by reporting them.
When to report a user
To keep the OfferUp community safe, it’s a good idea to report users who break our rules or who post prohibited items. Additionally, any time a user is offensive, disrespectful, harassing, threatening, or suspicious, you should report them to us.
Here are some examples of when to report a user:
- You suspect they’re trying to scam you.
- They’re asking for your phone number, email, account password, or verification code.
- They’re sending you suspicious links to 3rd-party websites.
- They want you to send payments outside of the OfferUp platform.
- Their profile picture or username is inappropriate.
- The items they’re selling are potentially fake or stolen.
- They failed to show up to your scheduled MeetUp.
- They’re sending you rude, offensive, or harassing messages.
When you report a user, your feedback comes directly to us so we can review it and take action to protect the community. Don't worry, we don't tell users when they get reported by someone, so they won’t know.
Report a user from their profile page
One way to report a user is from their profile page. You can do this at any time in our mobile app or on OfferUp.com.
- Open a listing posted by the user you want to report, then tap their profile picture.
- On the Profile page, tap the
three dots icon in the top right corner.
- On the pop-up menu, tap Report.
- On the Report User page, select a reason.
- Optional: Add a note to provide more info about the situation. The more we know about why you’re reporting the person, the better we can respond.
- Optional: Turn on the Block This User? toggle to prevent the user from sending you future messages or offers. Learn more about blocking users.
- Tap Submit Report.
- Open a listing posted by the user you want to report, then click their profile picture.
- On the Profile page, click the
Report icon under their profile picture.
- On the Report User pop-up, select a reason.
- Optional: Add a note to provide more info about the situation. The more we know about why you’re reporting the person, the better we can respond.
- Optional: Turn on the Block This User? toggle to prevent the user from sending you future messages or offers. Learn more about blocking users.
- Click Submit Report, then Done.
Report a user from a chat message
Another way to report a user is through your chat messages with them. You can do this at any time in our mobile app or on OfferUp.com.
- Tap Inbox and open a message from the person you want to report.
- On the Message page, tap the
three dots icon in the top right corner.
- On the pop-up menu, tap Report.
- On the Report User page, select a reason.
- Optional: Add a note to provide more info about the situation. The more we know about why you’re reporting the person, the better we can respond.
- Optional: Turn on the Block This User? toggle to prevent the user from sending you future messages or offers. Learn more about blocking users.
- Tap Submit Report.
- Click Inbox and open a message from the person you want to report.
- On the Message page, click the
three dots icon in the top right corner of the conversation pane.
- On the dropdown menu, click Report.
- On the Report User pop-up, select a reason.
- Optional: Add a note to provide more info about the situation. The more we know about why you’re reporting the person, the better we can respond.
- Optional: Turn on the Block This User? toggle to prevent the user from sending you future messages or offers. Learn more about blocking users.
- Click Submit Report, then Done.
Report suspicious listings
In addition to reporting inappropriate users, you can also report suspicious listings that promote potentially stolen, fake, or dangerous items. To learn more, see How to report a listing.
Report illegal activity
OfferUp partners closely with law enforcement to protect our community. If you've encountered a crime or illegal activity on our platform, we strongly recommend that you report the incident to OfferUp, then contact your local authorities. To learn more, see Reporting a serious issue to OfferUp.