Looking for a specific item? Want to know when similar items get posted? Set alerts to get notified when new items are available that match your interests. There are 2 kinds of alerts you can set so you never miss out on a good deal.
Set search alerts
Set a search alert to get notified when new listings are posted that match your search criteria. This type of alert is great if you're hunting for a good deal on a certain kind of item, but aren’t looking for a specific color, brand, size, or model. This alert is also helpful if you’re looking for related items or accessories.
For example, if you search “iPhone 15”, you can save this search term as an alert. When you do, you’ll get notified any time a new iPhone 15 is posted, plus other iPhone models, and items related to iPhones like phone cases or screen protectors.
- Open the OfferUp app and log in to your account.
- On the Home page, type a search term into the Search bar.
- Submit your search to view your results.
- On the Search Results page, set your search alert by tapping the
Bell icon in the top right corner. Or, tap the floating Set Search Alert button in the feed.
- You'll see a "Search Alert Set" confirmation message. Also, the
Bell icon at the top of the feed will turn green and show a check mark.
- Open the OfferUp app and log in to your account.
- On the Home page, tap your profile picture in the top right corner.
- On the Account page, tap Search Alerts.
- Under Saved Search Alerts, tap Delete next to the term you want to remove.
- On the Delete Saved Search Alert pop-up, tap Delete again to confirm.
Set similar item alerts
Set a similar item alert to get notified when a specific item gets posted to the feed. This type of alert is great if you’re looking for a particular product model.
For example, if you’re looking at a listing for an iPhone 15, but you don’t want to buy this exact one because it’s the wrong color or storage capacity, set a similar item alert instead. This will ensure that you get notified any time iPhone 15s are posted to the feed.
- Open the OfferUp app and log in to your account.
- From the For Sale feed, open a listing for an item you’re interested in.
- Scroll down to Get Notified About Similar Items (located below the Description details).
- Tap Set Alert.
- You’ll see an “Alert Set” confirmation and the message will change to read “You’ll be notified about similar items”.
- Open the OfferUp app and log in to your account.
- Open the listing where you set the similar item alert.
- Scroll down to the message “You’ll be notified about similar items”.
- Tap Remove Alert.
Alternatively, when you get notified about a similar item, tap the notification to open the feed, then tap the Bell icon in the top right corner to remove the alert.