If you're meeting in person, bring cash. When you meet, examine the item carefully. If you like it, give the seller the amount you agreed to. If you don't have exact change, your seller may be able to make change, or ask a grocery store or bank to break large bills.
If you use shipping within OfferUp, you'll be asked to add your credit or debit card when you make an offer. You'll be charged when the seller accepts the offer. You will inspect and approve the item when you get it, and the transaction will be final 2 days after you approve it. About paying with shipping
Avoid app-based payments like Venmo and PayPal. Also avoid wire transfers such as Western Union or MoneyGram, or non-cash payments such as gift cards or personal/certified checks. These payment methods are usually sources of fraud.
By keeping your transaction inside OfferUp, and not using an external payment or shipping service, OfferUp can help protect you from fraud and theft. If you run into any suspicious behavior, items, or payments, please let us know by reporting the person.