After you’ve finished a sale with someone on OfferUp, help build each other’s reputations by giving ratings and reviews.
Ratings are represented with gold stars. You can give as many as 5 for a good experience. To leave a review, pick words that describe your experience, like “on time” or “communicative.” Ratings and good reviews show on a person’s profile, so other people on OfferUp can see what it’s like to do business with them.
Rate a seller
When a seller marks an item as sold to you, you'll get a notification and be asked to rate and review them.
- Go to Inbox
- Tap the notification
- Tap the number of stars you'd like to rate your seller.
- Tap any of the words that describe your experience with the seller.
Rate a buyer
After you complete a sale with someone, you can rate and review them.
- Go to Offers
- Tap the item you sold
- Tap Rate Buyer. If you don't see the option, you've already rated them.
- Tap the number of stars you'd like to rate them.
- Tap any of the words that describe your experience with the buyer.
Report issues
If you had problems with a buyer or seller or encountered bad behavior with someone on OfferUp, let us know by sending a report. More about reporting